Wickham Coleman Legacy Fund

Wickham Coleman is not a stranger to agriculture or hard work.  Wickham's family has been farming in Caroline County since the 1920's, raising crops and Black Angus Cattle.  Mr. Coleman received a Bachelor's and master's degree in Vocational Education and Secondary School Supervision from Virginia Tech, and served as an officer in the US Air Force.  He also served as a high school teacher, a high school principal, and agriculture education advisor at the Lady Smith FFA Chapter, at Caroline County High School for nearly 40 years.  In 1971, he joined the Virginia Department of Agriculture Education as supervisor of agriculture education instruction in 23 counties throughout the state.  Mr. Coleman influenced individuals in agriculture and left a positive impact on Virginia's agriculture industry and the field of agriculture education.  This memorial fund will be used to fund Virginia FFA State Degrees.

Your gifts are tax-deductible and can be made through this form or by mailing a check to:

Virginia FFA Foundation

Wickham Coleman Legacy Fund

PO Box 40

Weyers Cave, VA 22846

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